About the Host

Michanda, aka MichandaShines, is a triathlete, model and endurance race announcer. She’s been in the Triathlon community for seven years and realized there is so much more to learn, she was only beginning to scratch the surface of this amazing sport. Michanda loves to connect with people and believes in the art of sharing good stories. This is how TBL was born to champion for the Beginner Triathlete. We don’t know all there is to know and the more we share our stories, it helps position us to be more successful. When we know that someone else has endured and overcome and that will empower you to be confident in your journey.
Michanda joined a Newbie program within a Triathlon team in 2013. Although it was FANTASTIC, she made some amazing friends, and successfully completed several triathlons, it wasn’t until 2019 that her eyes opened to the possibilities of this sport. She hired a coach and began to learn so much and realized she wanted to bring that experience to beginners and those who want to hear good stories.
Michanda is currently training for her First FULL distance Ironman and let’s just say her love for this sport continues to grow with every stroke and kick, every full revolution, and every stride! She loves to win and always will continue to TRI!